Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Simple Step

 The first step outside in a late
September morning says all
that needs said about one season
ending and another beginning.

Dawn tells things no other part
of the day can and the fact year
after year this sermon with variation
is given speaks of its endurance

in, through the beauty of changing
seasons.  In our lives seasons
change more rapidly, more slowly
the cycles of fullness and emptiness

not as predictable as Spring, Summer,
Fall,and Winter though just as real,
though more often unnamed 
often lacking the beauty Nature doesn't.

Perhaps if we knew how to make blooming,
or lushness, or autumnal splendor or the beauty
of an utter nakedness ours we'd
be less resistant to change.

How I would that I could take a step
inside and know what stepping
outside this morning has told me.

-Byron Hoot

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