Wednesday, December 28, 2022


She searches the radio
for a night song
a blend of Texas and new age
her room lit up by holographic bingo lights

she plays dice
emptying her woe out the window
singing along:

“Be kind to your disguises
Be kind to your sins
Be kind to each other...Amen.”

-Nancy Pontius

Lying In The Grass

Lying in the grass
we watch clouds

spheres of the mystics
hovering over our heads

enchanted by their songs
in and out of doors

Hidden energy
Another poet scatters flowers

 -Nancy Pontius

Some Music

Moon happened to listen
as I tried to organize my consciousness
while the wind danced
like a whirling dervish
beneath the aleppo pine

Yesterday was like a movie
without end
bits of information
scattering across space-time

then there was love
like a gathering,
making shape out of chaos
into something like a moonstone,
secret and delicate
peach and blue-grey

-Nancy Pontius

Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Appalachians Read The Soul

The news flying into the mountains
through mists and clouds
and the mountain people greet me
emotions play like those fountains.

-Slava Konoval


What kind of toy is this monocular?

The moon and the stars are visible in the pipe,

the red glow twinkling,

a trembling hand holding the monocular gripe.


Black spots thicken

on a round yellowish circle,

the movement of the Earth is noticeable in passing,

we humans are like those grains of sand

or small like home chickens.

-Slava (Vyacheslav) Konoval

Suffering Land

Freely plastic items feel in water flow,

waste piles up even on the waves,

moan seas, moan lakes, and the oceans,

and indifferent human blow.


Confusion and tears melancholic beg,

the time is killing field flower, oh, leg,

why she is not in fresh mud

she succumbs to plastic torture,

slaughter between man and nature, and there is blood.


The Earth is rotting from plastic

she unconquered, fighting by storms and thunderstorms,

this is fantastic!


The Earth defends herself without words,

our care for her is non-intellectual and sarcastic.

 -Slava (Vyacheslav) Konoval

Prometheus Hope

In deep darkness

the country is gnawed

by a despot with his teeth

free people of the righteous,

the Moscow executioner transformed them.


Cossack’s land, steppes of descendants

burned the cannibal to the background,

and now in the homes of the Ukrainians

there is no light either.


I meet the autumn twilight at the threshold,

the wind is blowing, frost is near

who drew heads on blades of grass all around.


Oh, that there would be spring

so that there is light and warmth, 
I think about it.


The eighth month of the eighth year

torments Cerberus the East

I have no peace

I wish victory for the state with all my heart,

Please, God fire cease!


To have a dream is to have an incentive,

cry and want with thirst meet Prometheus

to give divine fire

shine in people's homes and warm them.


My restless soul

the heart worries

make my dream come true God

she is already on her way to You, father!

 -Slava (Vyacheslav) Konoval

A Master Who Has Passed Away

The clamp on the pipeline changes

a tired man in a sharp cap,

listening to his swollen hands

drops of fuel oil are visible,

which are stuck under the nails.


Pallor on the face

the second week bothers him

wrinkles flutter with sorrow,

dad’s pancreatic disease,

like gangrene

a snake that cannot be held in chains.


The man had strength and intelligence,

I envied you, dad.

You left me alone

on both sides of the road to life.


Dad called me

to him in the garage,

and I bathed in worldly affairs,

now it hurts to be a wasted moment.


I saw You off, dad,

a stone on the heart.


-Slava (Vyacheslav) Konoval

Ilovaisk Cauldron

Exhausting fatigue does not take the body,

no wonder the summer heat bothers my mind,

frustration, despair

a soldier’s foot passes through a minefield.


Tanks clatter, artillery rocks,

the enemy stopped, the invader rages,

no promotion of it

avenges brave warriors with a siege ring,

people call it «сauldron».


The earth is crying, the rains are pouring,

2000 sons of patriots of Ukraine

shot jackals for the dictator's amusement.


The heart burns, the tears choke,

bad stopped for 8 years

on February 24, the enemy entered the battle.

 -Slava (Vyacheslav) Konoval

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

When the Divine Enters History

When the Divine Enters History                                                                 

. . . it’s always messy.  Consider the story

of Jesus.  Bride and groom in a people

defined by law, by tradition, by observances

and the bride pregnant.  By the divine.

Something whispered in her ear by an Angel.

Something whispered again to Joseph.

And the acceptance of the barely heard 

words and what had to be done – what 

acts of deception – to keep the two, 

the three of them safe, not scorned,

not driven away.  For months until 

that decree for a census and Joseph

and Mary preparing for the journey

to Bethlehem and back – three or four 

days there, as long as it takes to be counted,

three or four days back and Mary ready,

waiting before the ride on the donkey,

before finally finding a manger, 

before the star, the Angels, the shepherds,

the wise men, the Angel speaking again 

to Mary and Joseph to flee, to the wise men

to break their word to Herod.  The shepherds?

Who would believe them?  And then the Massacre

of the Innocents, the rage of Herod turned 

into the Angel of Death as Mary and Joseph

and Jesus seek their safe haven of exile

in Egypt, the land of their people’s bondage.

For three years their journey

continued, twelve hundred plus miles

of which we know nothing except they survived,

thrived for years before we are told the story

of their boy in the temple, the child-wonder 

confounding old priests.  This all is part 

of the story, the way the divine enters history.

Best not to forget how hope comes to be,

how light grows out of darkness.

How we come to say, “Merry Christmas.”  

-Byron Hoot

Right Turns

It is almost overwhelming, especially at the end of winter, the beginning of the mud season when endings and beginnings are not far apart an...