Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas 2020

In the short days, long, cold winter

nights the urge for change turns

deep inside.  Some old story 

starts to be told of hope.

Some woman, barely more

than a girl, some man old enough

to be her father wed in the wedlock

of the divine:  she pregnant 

with unknown meaning. . .

A man, a woman, a child

unborn and a perilous journey

across land, against law 

and custom.   Lodged, they sleep 

with the warmth of animals.  Some

star, unseen before, guides Magi

and shepherds to a manger.

A child, a son is born confirming

the forgotten birthright 

of the divinely-human.  Then

dreams and warnings, the flight

into the unknown, the killing 

of the innocents.

Our desire is to see the young-bride,

the father who is not the father,

the child arrive safely in exile.

In the short days, long, cold nights

of winter, this story arrives

and we are pleased and troubled,

put at ease and dis-ease

at how the story came to be

and what it means.

-Byron Hoot

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As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...