Friday, January 31, 2020


"Deer?" I ask myself
thinking I heard footsteps
realizing it is the rain falling down
in late January to uncovered
leaves on the ground.
I love to be seduced
and a near seduction 
makes me smile,
lets me know
how willing
I am to

-Byron Hoot

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


For a second
you forget
it’s the dead

-Randi Ward


In your eyes
I can see
you don’t
expect me
to survive
in the wild.

-Randi Ward


A day of paper
gowns and needles
singing doom
into the tender

-Randi Ward


I wish
it were
a question
the ground.

-Randi Ward


Isn’t it
a dusting
of snow
make you
your own

-Randi Ward

That Nature

Something or someone has awakened me
from my bear sleep and bear dream
of naked women in the aisles
of the tabernacle singing the blues.
Restlessly I am walking
through the rooms of my house
looking for the culprit
but only see myself reflected
in the windows, mirrors
                                    and I have
to surmise I am the one
who has broken into sleep and dream
somehow disturbed by that lumbering
gait, those rolled shoulders,
the face and body changing easily
between the bear and me.
There are gifts we can and cannot
show and it's confusing how 
two creatures can be in one body,
one heart, one soul
                               as if some complimentary
reality has fitted us together
making the whole greater than the parts.
So I make my coffee,
look at my hands,
sniff the air and sigh
letting that bear dream go
into the morning light,
growl to greet the day.

-Byron Hoot

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Piles of the Morning

Origins of faint sore dust looms in drinking waste 
Pockets pretending under soft vigils 
Gifts of seeking tundras 
Miles of ready tides 
Rusty leaves and tired mansions of truth wander into herds left blind Auroras deny bottled meaning 
Tired of want Ready for rest 
Eastern doors making dancing dens 
Proper spaces where open coins fall into trance and milk 
Piles of the morning

-Cory Tambourine

River’s Edge

River’s edge lists with voices of measure 
Deer watch quiet till seen in dense green verbiage The rocks tilted in sandy remorse wait for change Time shaped smooth 
Dissolved into dance 
Thirsty smoke challenges empty taverns 
Taken by the roots of virtue and resolve 
Patterns of opinion leaping over thoughts 
Trails into the decades 

-Cory Tambourine

Galloping Pines

French paint leery lists 
Manners cold and fast in isolated injured briars 
Seen for billowing manors 
What frost lies for punctual mornings 
Galloping pines Long and lonely 
Smells of venturing seasons against trained misers 
Breaking timid destinies Arrows angry visit mine 
The wasted song of dust 
Summer training misses along underwater voices 
Tunnels breath white adornment as veins of laughter reach born masters 

-Cory Tambourine


Break  me no more for awhile.
Even I need, if I don't deserve it, time
to heal;
            surely, time and circumstance 
also hold mercy.
Keep me from looking at the wounds
by which watching does nothing,
the transfiguration coming from within,
unseen until only the scar of memory
holds that story.
                       Break me no more
today or tomorrow or the next day.
Certainly, this can be understood
better than I can say.
                              I don't think it's impossible
for this to be heard, to hear,"Okay.
           Break me no more
                                         for awhile.
-Byron Hoot

Still Life

still life rising from the earth
stronger than the breath of silence
three stone deep 

ancient keep

cat curled arms 
embrace the edge of home    
boundary the flowers            
as they rant and wither     

, , ,we are still here. . .

shabby stone  
stalwart chimney
field stone lone 
hope twists in furtive joy 
blue smoke hovers hints and whispers 
sweet fire waits a breath away

deep water sweet water well at the core 
heart pulse firm at the center   

, , ,we are still here. . .

still life rising from the earth
still life waiting  
, , ,we are still here. . .

-Janey Pease

"For there is hope for a tree, When it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And its shoots will not fail."
Job 14:7


lean and tough
a rough hewn safe
the stone side of the mountain hugs its secrets

sunshine at midday
like the dial of the safe
reflects and flickers
sparks and stabs
circling past truth
again and again
spinning in surges like sunspots
waxing and waning like a moon on fire
starspots in flight

questions flicker and flash without rest
sos to a silent universe

save our souls
save our souls
save our souls

je suis trop tendre pour ce monde
je suis trop tendre pour ce monde
je suis trop tendre pour ce monde

i see you
but the earth opens between us
i hear you
but the song is silent
like a beggar
standing at the door
head bent against the portal

                        Janey Pease

Michelangelo’s Daughter

i am a daughter of michelangelo
chipping away with sculptor’s mallet
to free the man i see inside
frantic task with hammer and chisel                       
rasp and rifler
chaos flying from my hands
wounds inflicted

drawn to your frame
your structure
            block of granite
            chunk of stone

reaching to embrace you
finding no softness
feeling no give

my ear against your chest listens
pulse pops
warmth spreads

i gather my tools
gather myself
moaning soft songs
wings folding like a mourning dove
melodies sloping downward
that only i can sigh

i take flight 
singing my story  
releasing my song

beyond range
your own song  follows me
                                    - Janey Pease

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Sufficiency

Snow.  Cold.  Gray clouds edged
in white, the sun golden
contained in the sky.  
The branches naked, 
still the haunts
of the Holy Ghost passing by.
I sit in the contentment
and discontentment of being
                     human and divine,
                     longing and desiring --
that blood flowing through me
I can choose to deny 
but still keeps me alive.
The sun  has found the snow:
how the two seem to fit just so.
What is possible is simply
possible in the eternity
called now.

-Byron Hoot

Right Turns

It is almost overwhelming, especially at the end of winter, the beginning of the mud season when endings and beginnings are not far apart an...