Saturday, January 18, 2025

Winter Sequence

Winter Sequence


I saw nine deer on a hillside,

as if in a still-life painting,

move as if a murmuration

of starlings.


One bird the day before,

two yesterday on roads

 I drive regularly.

A change is coming.


I drive on tire tracks 

in the snow on the road

that takes me home

as if the snowplow can do nothing.


The tracks in the snow

before my porch. . . 

deer, coyote, feral cat

nighttime visits.


I am in the dark waiting

for sunrise.  A daily ritual.

It’s taken the place of prayer –

an answer always comes.


I wish I could read the tracks

across my heart as easily

as the tracks in the snow –

winter’s gift.


I am seeing ghosts almost

as easily as I see shadows.

One often blending into 

the other – dreams, memories, desires.


I consider the best way

to keep warm in winter.

My heart scoffs, says,

“Don’t forget me."

-Byron Hoot

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sequence of events. I love the progression to the heart at the end. The heart always has the final say.



As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...