Monday, June 1, 2020

Upon my 68th Birthday

I see pictures of George Floyd 
being killed and know no law can
justify that
              and think, "How much self-
hatred he has to kill another man
hiding behind his uniform, hoping to say,
'I was just doing my job.' " 
                                   Think how we,
as individual citizens, have given
our responsibilities of being human
beings to legislators -- a caricature 
of flesh and blood and a beating heart 
and The Golden Rule tarnished by
so little use.
                   I am 68 today. 
And the fact is I think more,
feel more love and beauty
and that random radical called
grace than I ever have.
I have rarely hated myself 
to the point of denial, projecting 
justification for acts criminal.
I am flesh and blood and know
the urge of Cain; I am flesh 
and blood and know the urge of Jesus
and have chosen one over the other --
self-love is not selfishness but
                       And a democracy built
upon the blood of Native Americans,
the backs and bastards of slaves
has much to repent for 
                                     where the material quality
of life is not a worthy sacrifice
for our humanity.
                         I am 68 today
watching the sun shadow my yard
with the shadows of silver maples
on fresh cut grass.
                          Here "the peace
that passes understanding" is almost
so; here is not everywhere.
If I knew how to pray, I'd 
pray for "peace in our time"
but change the word "time"
to "hearts" -- peace there takes
care of time and circumstance
                    Today, I am 68.

-Byron Hoot

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As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...