Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

The name of this Friday
and the acts of this day once
upon a time is a paradox --
how is this Friday called Good?

False accusations, the condemnation,
the mockery, the beatings,
the crown of thorns, cross carried,
the crowd now cursing him.
Judas hangs from a tree.
Peter shamed into despair,
Magdalene and his mother
stunned beyond their understanding
and his silence, not defiant
but complete, unnerves everything
until he asks the question 
all who love him hold -- "My God,
why have You forsaken me?"
And the sky splits,
the veil in the Temple tears,
the separation between heaven
and earth -- as in him -- no more.

Among the words forgotten 
are "Follow me."
                       This is what 
not many care to grasp;
the cost of claiming who you are
is paid in this way.
The greatest sin not spoken
of is the denial of who
you are -- live the way he did
and there are guaranteed 
                 That's right
crucifixions because there
are multiple resurrections
in a life lived the right way --
to live this life we must die
and rise again.
                     That's why this
Friday is called Good --
it takes us to where we've never been.

-Byron Hoot

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As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...