Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mountain Man


An Appalachian Sonnet

My mountains bright, and so deep, smoky blue,
With ridges high, and majestic summits;
The livin’s right, and nature gives her due,
Brings spirits nigh, self-importance plummets.

Clean mountain air, rends staleness asunder.
The sky so clear, above earth, rock and wood.
The forest fair, brings on such good wonder.
These mountains dear, would not leave if I could.

Here’s where I belong, these hills are my home;
They’re in my heart, and always in my soul.
They keep me strong, even though I might roam.
I’m just a part, like the hollers and coal.

With all they give, I should never depart,
It’s how I live, a “mountain man” at heart.


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