Saturday, December 14, 2024

Roses in a Vase

Fresh red roses gifted crisp in a shiny crystal vase,

Deflated balloon danced gaily on its bobbing string,

Yet, spent no time or change for late night dates

Or other stale, male-female things.

Dry- bent stems flatter-chattered their small talk cheap.

Eyes saddened dull cried their cruel half-truth lies.

Stare-glare glances pierced hearts drowned in trance-deep sleep

As tender petals withered brittle, tumbled pity-parched to dry .

Gripping death shriveled crippled, dripping its unfelt cold,

Against a strain-wrinkled,  pain-crinkled face, 

As pink waned to brown, bitter romance  waxed old,

Mere dead rose tokens in a broken, ring stained vase.

~P.S. Colley

April 1989

Rev. Dec. 2024





  spent carelessly




shallow fantasies.



                encouragement and



Isn't it ?

~P.S. Colley

April 1989

Revised: Nov. 2024

Cries of the Unheard

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Pity Us All

Pity the Antichrist's duped followers as they lift the Antichrist to power once again, pulled by lies that hook their hate-disposed hearts, their reason put to sleep, the harm to the world inflicted by their folly invisible to them through the waving of their desecrated flags and empty crosses as they elect their deceivers' ill conceived chaos in service of the greed of billionaires, as they share images of the Prince of Peace sportin' an AK with zero reflection of God off its dull black finish, as they defecate on the American dream of the Founding Fathers, blind to proven crimes done before their eyes, swearing to accelerate the destruction wrought by greed's foul reign, oblivious to the nature of evil, as they supplant any connection to God they might have had with adulation of their deceiver, never feeling the shame in their incomprehensible self-betrayal, as they ignore all reports of their exploitation, ignore the suffering of human beings, ignore the destruction of their very air, ignore the cries of warning in their public squares drowned by the high tide of blind hatred in their misappropriated hearts stoked by their deceivers' lies. Now this legion of duped minions is poised to bury truth and attack the truthful at the bidding of their deceiver, poised to end history with lies, poised to extinguish anything and anyone resembling the Messiah, as their deceiver leads them toward suffering.  Pity them. Pity us all for the hell they blindly bring.

-Will Found


As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...