Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Morning Love

The white pickup goes by at 7:10

each weekday morning.  

There’s nothing up the road

but where the blacktop turns to dirt,

scattered houses on the mountain, 

deer and chained dogs and feral cats

and posted and no trespassing signs.

I like to imagine a lover’s tryst,

the road going no-where leading

to a waiting heart, eyes looking 

out a window, hoping who has left 

will not return having forgotten 

something – discarded love

a long time ago. . . no memory to draw

him back.  The woman hums Love Lifted Me

as the white pickup pulls around back.

-Byron Hoot


Friday, November 15, 2024

Red Sky In the Morning

I am trying to understand my parents’

life from their point of view 

and keep overlaying it with my experience.

I am haunted by what they had,

by what I’ve lost and what I’ve found

so similar but for the language I cannot 

speak.  Their causal-serious acceptance

of mystery in all things great and small

and what they grasped from those moments

that could not be held for long never

weakening their grip.  I think of whatever

strength I may have as a gift.  The way 

they thought of life.  The way the red sky

on the horizon is this morning – 

being awake at the right time and place

to see such beauty and natural order.

They lived awake in the dream

of grace and salvation.  I admit to resurrections

in my life; another mystery

they embraced as if breathing.

They are three decades dead.

The hymn, Love Lifted Me, haunts.

The red sky of morning warning is now blue.

It is Sunday morning.

-Byron Hoot


Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Monarchical Confederate

From Tudor’s blood,

the son of God appeared

when the crown was torn to pieces,

a regent limped in the rear.


Under the crown with Jacob

went Fredericas daughter,

and Jacob created the church,

forty  year peace finally reigned in the state.


The duels quickly stopped,

the plebs reconciled with the baron,

justices of the peace appeared,

the stronghold of small landowners prevailed.


From lethargic sleep

The Royal Customs Service came to life,

The Hebrides islands first saw people

in time when white smoke was coming from the factory.

Canadian land will know «Nova Scotia»

the colonists swear for Irish fields,

Macdonald’s mutiny sank suddenly.

-Vyacheslav (Slava) Konoval

Black mouth Prophet

Black mouth prophet growls vaguely

in the languishing silence,

destroying the peace

of a sleeping homeless person.


He conceiving a grudge against sparrows,

an old assessor of a million city,

shoots a passer – bys dog by eye.


A prickly scout

in search of forest truth

glistened with little eyes,

He raises a sharp nose.


Having limped on the dorsal spears

of red – cheeked apple prey,

the prickly animal disappeared from the horizon.

-Vyacheslav (Slava) Konoval


As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...