Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Sermon of the Trees

Sometimes I hear the trees talking 

about that first tree of knowledge,

the natural fruit it bore,

that it’s not their fault the world

is how it is. That the human mind,

necessary as it is, doesn’t always

seem natural.  That instead of fitting

things together it tears them apart

and doesn’t know how to heal.  “Thank

God for the heart!” they whisper

leaf by leaf, tree by tree, root by

root.  Sigh and dance with the wind,

look at me to make sure I’ve heard

The Sermon of the Trees today.

I bow slightly, my eyes squinting

in the sun, almost understand

what the crows are saying.

-Byron Hoot

Thursday, June 6, 2024


had some night crawlers
to use up, a beer to drink.
I got to the lake at early dusk,
the sun just below the trees.
And cast my hook and line
seeing the sky and shoreline
reflected on the lake, thought
"as above, so below" not believing
the lake held some esoteric
knowledge but noticed how I
stumbled over the word 'reflected'
and cast again. 

-Byron Hoot

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

On Display

The value of jewelry

is in its beauty,

the power it has

to create contemplation,

to almost stop one moment

from going into the next,

to say, “Here I am or lose

me forever.”  Always precious

stones, precious metals

against flesh as if that’s

where it shows the best.

-Byron Hoot


As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...