Thursday, January 26, 2023


It is hard to recognize who is looking 

back at me when I stand before 

a mirror.  The body distorts who I 

would see and only by some other-

world calculus do I say, “That’s me”

the way a student gives an answer

without the confidence it’s right.

I move, the reflection disappears 

and I am left to do what I do without

the hindrance of reflection, the doubt

of whom I’ve seen is me.  I don’t 

remember time passing so quickly,

taking so much in its giving.

Somewhere inside I am strong, quick,

smooth-skinned, clear-eyed;

there’s no reflection of that.  I watch

myself feel and think and act,

know as I’ve been I am not.  Think

about breaking mirrors, think about

bad luck, know I can’t break every 

mirror especially the one inside me. 

-Byron Hoot

Thursday, January 12, 2023

One Day Closer, One Day Still Away

Silence, That Hint of a Hum

The problem with silence is it presupposes

you can hear and the problem with hearing

is understanding what’s said which you

may not be inclined to do.  And there you are

listening with your eyes closed

because you know if you hear

and see the same thing nothing

will be the same seeing into 

the nature of things, yourself, 

this life, those meanings so troubling.

-Byron Hoot

Right Turns

It is almost overwhelming, especially at the end of winter, the beginning of the mud season when endings and beginnings are not far apart an...