Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Blue Ridge Parkway

you remember the place                 

where the road tilts west                      

and the tips of mountains               

elbow each other                                       

and shove for position                               


dark and dusky beauties                        

in muted shades of purple soot                       

and blue skirt swirls                       




lined up in a queue                                

of their own mysterious pageant vying for validation                                                as most beautiful                                


and steadfast                                          


chunky mountains                           

flexing shoulders                                     

elegant with strength                          

like body builders                                 

oiled and primed                                               


narrow peaks                                      

scarce and scant                                                                      

noses high and broken at the top 


this range stiff                                         

fold upon fold                                    

tucked and starched                                   

with the valleys pressed thin


and this ridge rounded                                                     

filled with clouds                                                                                                                               water wave soft                                    


smoke signal clouds                              



and float away 




this road the only caller                                                                                                            my car reels and swings                          

now face to face                                 

honest and true                                    

now dos-à-dos                                  

sweet as a shrug                         

swaying right                                

swaying left                                         

contra dance couple                                     

in a jig with the hills 




i learned when i was four                     

to loathe                                                         

the common road   



great lakes to chicago                                         

purest snow abandoned 

edging the path with debris


cars slogging west 

deranged dolphins                                 

with no sense of self                                        


i learned to love the back roads           

and the twisting shimmy                            

of the mountain path 




i see the sign that signals my descent 


something in me                           

reckless and wild                           

shudders and smiles


road worsens next seven miles  

-Janey Pease   


Artist Statement:

Driving to teach, to intern, driving to go to Appalachian State attending classes, I see this often! The Blue Ridge Mountains have views of these mountains from every angle possible. . .even a sign stating “road worsens next seven miles” near Spruce Pine. The thought always crosses my mind, “It get WORSE?” But as I say, never an ugly drive in North Carolina.  

Friday, March 26, 2021

Torn and Sworn

Empty fighter below sanctitude
Blessed Father in sheets of saints
Dawn sends
Freedom listens
Sailors cry
Praying verses
Distant stars search forever
Tiny towns
Loud portraits
Ghosts expand preaching money
Frail Grail
Soldiers lay on swords pretending
Existence lies amongst the Moon

-Cory Tambourine

Beware the Prowler

The pieces laid
Contrast played
Virtue and valor
Beware the Prowler
Check the mate
Before it's too late
Kindness is the stranger's weakness

-Cory Tambourine 

Sails of Legends

Shalnt any fortress fail
Endeavor flees
Overcome by plentiful blankness
Shouting sins
Telling faint bliss to come forward
Into silent sails of legends

-Cory Tambourine

Right Turns

It is almost overwhelming, especially at the end of winter, the beginning of the mud season when endings and beginnings are not far apart an...