Friday, January 29, 2021

The Implications

Among what trees of life and knowledge
do I meander having  No Trespassing 
signs nailed to  them, the invitation to take
as much as I can, memorize the trail
into and out of the paradise of denial
so I can endlessly return, get what I need,
leave more for later.  To say, "Do Not" 
is an RSVP for "Go Ahead."
I'm finding more of those trees
everywhere; I don't have to remember
where I've been, I only have to look
and see, know nothing is without 
consequence -- nuanced or nuclear --
and be ready to say with Job and Jesus,
"I've done nothing which is not of me.”

-Byron Hoot

Friday, January 15, 2021

Landmark Blues

Landmarks at night make time and distance seem unreal.
Memory  unforgotten, unforgettable makes
then now as the nagging question appears
at the heart like the iline
of a 12-bar blues song  that you don't want to hear
and the road takes you back to where
you are along backroads and memories
begging the questions of fate and destiny
you don't know if you can take the answers to
unable to deny who you and where you are
because because of landmarks in the night
and curved roads and dirty headlights
that don't shine behind, barely ahead
and you start humming that blues song
you don't want anyone to know.

-Byron Hoot


As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...