Friday, March 27, 2020

Light's Temptation

The sun is bright and I have
the blinds closed blocking
my vision differently 
than the sun blinding me.
There are many ways given
not to see
                which often provides
a comfort to the eyes
and heart and soul
and, therefore, body.
The grace by which the unseen
is given is the grace of the yet
to be seen
                   more fully, more clearly,
not fighting to see the obvious.
"Wait.  I say wait."
                             and the light
tempts us to look before we can see.

              The Silence of Light
In the silence of light 
I often hear what 
I cannot see and so like
a blind man know by ear
what sight cannot give.

I grew up hearing my parents'
voices from a pulpit
and always have thought
there's scripture to be heard,
songs that catch the heart

so when I hear a voice,
a melody I am caught
in the sanctuary of spontaneous
            knowing the only offering
I have is myself

and try to give as good
as I've just got in the silence
of light.

-Byron Hoot

Friday, March 13, 2020

This Again

The words of the  mind are not
the words of the heart.
                                That's the difference
between craft and art,
fantasy and dream,
infatuation and love.
                              Two questions often confused:
What do you feel?
What do you think? are not the same
              So much harder to get the illusive,
often more silent, language of the heart
just right.
              So much easier to begin
with A and conclude with Z.
For a long time, I spoke the language
of the mind;
experience has corrected me accordingly
to my joy and sorrow
                               though always I hear
the admonition, "Don't throw the baby
out with the bath water!"
and that echo of laughter.

-Byron Hoot

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Uncertain until Then

Each day I am given something,
each day something is taken away
in the asymmetrical act 
of living.
             I know  the ebb and flow
of gain and loss
                         sometimes being able
to tell what has given,
taken away;
                    often, though, not 
knowing what I've gained, lost.
It's another day.
With one hand I hold a bag
of gold, with the other
a beggar's bowl
and the only word I know
comprehensive enough 
for each --  I say, "Yes."

-Byron Hoot

Sunday, March 1, 2020

That Love

I was thirteen.
She was seventeen, maybe
               She lived with her grandparents
and all three attended my father's church.
and we were in the basement
in a Sunday school classroom
and then my hand to her breast
sliding into an unbuttoned blouse
as we kissed
                      and then our hands everywhere,
lips on each other as she guided me and I felt her breath
or God's or both on my neck
and that surge that would change 
everything and her smile as we pulled
our clothes back on
                                she going up one and I
the other stairs.
                       And everytime I feel that breathing
on my neck, I am haunted 
by that breath I felt, that human panting
and something else felt
in the basement of the sanctuary.

-Byron Hoot

Right Turns

It is almost overwhelming, especially at the end of winter, the beginning of the mud season when endings and beginnings are not far apart an...