Friday, February 21, 2020

Losing Faith in Disappointment

I have given up being disappointed
in disappointment
                           recognizing how egotistical
it is to think I can know beyond
the present moment or extract from
a selective remembered past
a future not yet here.
And I am not certain what I see
in disappointed is not self-reflection
cast out, onto someone, something
that has nothing to do with anything.
Of course, I may easily slip.
I was going to say it's only human
but there are stories from the divine
showing equally the belief in disappointment
end in regrettable consequences.
So I stop before I say,
"I'm disappointed" -- my humanity,
my divinity unable to know
what is just on the other side of now.

-Byron Hoot

Friday, February 14, 2020

Different Authority

In the preference of a different 
authority, the reconsideration    
of traveling has arisen.
Time and circumstance and
experience are saying what 
has not been heard, listened 
to before now.   
                          There is no argument 
to win or lose; things have gotten 
beyond that. 
                     Acquiescence for traveling 
overland or across inner highways 
is all that will be given. 

-Byron Hoot

Friday, February 7, 2020

Winter Beauty

The snow has come.
Some would say with
a fury,
           but it's winter beauty
in the only way it makes
sense -- the cold, the snow,
the wind, the fact of being
basically snowed in simply
the naked beauty
of winter.
                Eggs, bacon, 
potatoes, onions, toast,
hot coffee
                complete this
winter morning scene,
this winter grace,
this winter danger -
                                 not one
without the other.

-Byron Hoot


As I am dying, day by day, always   a subtraction of living added to memory, the dreams of my youth, the same dreams nightly still given to ...