Thursday, February 7, 2019

Water Walker

Who comes unto me if it is not Jesus
tiptoeing on the water laughing at how
he does not sink inviting me to walk
beside him the way he walked with Venus
once upon a time.
                        I say, “I’m not
as beautiful.”
                        He says, “Neither am I.”
“I’m not dressed right.”
“Neither am I.”
“I might sink.”
“I might too,” he says and sticks
a foot in to the ankle and pulls it back
            “Listen,” he says, “if you don’t
understand metaphor, then stop calling
on me.  Walk with me upon this sea
or forever lose me.”
                        “Well, I say, “if you put it
that way, here I come.  And my name is not
            “I know, it’s Byron.”     

-Byron Hoot

Favorite Partner

The lowest limb on the closest maple
has just been led by the wind
into a graceful dip
                           so subtle,
so quick if I had not been looking
I could not have nodded
my applause, would have thought
how strong and sturdy that maple is,
but now I know
it likes to dance like me and the wind
is its favorite partner
because it will not move just
with anyone.

-Byron Hoot

Fig Newtons

I remember Mrs. Heinz

Who attended my father’s church.

We’d pick up her and her kids

In a bus that held twelve,

The gearshift coming out

Of the floor, the emergency brake

A handle with a grip that needed

The strength of a man.

We’d visit her – Mom, Dad, and I –

Park the car on the other side

Of the creek and walk across

The wooden bridge to the porch.

Inside the house there was a

Smell of food, food we never

Cooked or ate, never known.

She’d come out with Fig Newtons, smile, say,

“For the boy” then my part

Of the conversation was over

And one of her kids would find

Me and we would play.

She was short, stocky.

Had lost some teeth

And had a smile that wanted

To smile at everything,

Especially pain and life not

Gone quite right.

Her husband was a drunk.

Rarely seen.  He’d say,

“Preacher.  Missus” and then would leave.

I don’t know what they would

Talk about.  Jesus, I suppose,

And how He can give strength

And comfort any place and they

All knew what they were trying

To mean and Mrs. Heinz would

Smile, say, “Don’t that boy

Like them Fig Newtons?”

I never eat Fig Newtons

Without remembering Mrs. Heinz

And her smile and her eyes

A little lost, tired looking for the unseen.

-Byron Hoot

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Vallhalla: blue

A storm roars through cracks in the mountains - 
Like water from a broken dam.
We seek to retreat and find that we cannot.
You try to find comfort in his face

That is all cut-out eyes and porcelain smiles.
He slips away. Experience is a changeling.
When he is gone, you remember
It half-clearly: cloud shadows rippling

On leafed-out mountains like hands,
Hands, we are surrounded by hands.
We were born here, but 
Do we belong?

I will let my pen dance like a Turkish belly dancer
Until you feel the texture of my language,
The whisper of lust.

O, cruel language, my head waits for you.
Close the curtains, turn out the light, and 
Teach me to believe in this love.

Fill up the vacant, listless hollows
Of my childhood. Make me complete.
O, good language, you are my safe-place.

Your eyes
Rush over me like horses.
Light rip-
Ples back and forth across your brow.
Descends like curtains in this room - 
Out the cold, rain-saturated night.
Don't say
Goodnight - keep talking about anything
At all.
Your voice is solace, soothing in a chaotic
World that
Spins too fast and will destruct. Your voice is
Ything I need to keep alive this belief.
Your tongue,
Like music, fills the emptiness of night.

Wet leaves are hanging heavily
All around you
In a misty rain
And a distorted carnival,
A blue, manic Mardi Gras.
Confusion is a muddy circus field,
A clown-mime continually following,
Mocking you.
You are searching, for what?
A wood nymph in naked joy
And sunshine in his hair?
You don't know.
Leaves keep falling, stacking
Up in sticky, brown-wilted
Mounds. With shuffling feet,
You scatter and tread them down, 
Shuddering in the uncertain light
Of a clouded-over blue moon.

You are as formidable as a Tibetan mountain,
As sexual as Morocco,
But you are as closed as China,
Whilst I, like a shut-in,
Thirst for more of your world.

It's snowing inside this room:

Like someone turned it upside-down, 
Shook it, then set it bolt upright.

It's brushing along the top of the black
Baby grand that you play on party nights,

And your eyebrows and eyelashes as you speak.
I think it sounds like wind chimes when you

Laugh like that. If I were the
Ballerina in the music box of your throat,

Would you wind me up and watch me spin?

La Vita E Bella:

The world is like watercolours, green and gold,
Running down and together,
Like tears on the earth's face,
Grasping, sliding down a window glass,
Barely noticed, undocumented, unfelt.

You are stretched out like a dulcimer's 
Plaintive whine, watching the
Fish tank light reflecting images on a far wall.
You say you see
Belly dancers wearing blue musical beads and
Borrowed bracelets.

In my dreams afterward, I am walking
On water slowly, in a circle of
Mottled light playing through the leaves of
Dark green summer trees. In the distance,
Bells ringing in harmonic melody, whilst I
Speak Irish in an undertone as if my private poetry

And marvel at the brightness of the morning.

Where is home?

Language that is chameleon:
This passion which is mortal,

She grew up amid amateur paintings
And yellow walls - 
A leather-clad, muted blue star.

The mirrors on his clothing make it
Hard for her to see him,
But he's there...

Maybe he's there...

Like bananas and lemons on the dark
Kitchen counter - 
A still life with hidden meanings:

Hope, perhaps?

Sometimes, when you speak

I think I can hear the sound the sea makes
Slapping, crashing
Against the cliffs of Moher,
Splitting into myriads of colours, 
Letting in the light.

And I don't tell you, when this happens.
You'll only roll your eyes and miss the point
So I tell it to the crickets - who sing it back to you
While you sleep.

Certain mothers
Tell their children it is the rain
That impregnates,

Not the dream.

It was not the rain 
That impregnated me.
O, child of my womb, unborn,
It was hope for something more than

This poem.

Richard Hugo said: 
"Words love the ridiculous areas of our minds."
These are my only functioning 
It is useless to pummel them.

I'm sweating the touch of
Another body
Down the length of mine,
Cotton-barb-tongued mouthful.
No spit. Consequence. Untold,
Don't fold.

But the word has gone away.

Limitless as Joie d'Art is this feeling.
She can only grasp it as though fragments
Of ancient parchments:
Peacocks on stained glass entries and the 
Of blue and green colours wafted by the light through these and

Painting her 
Dazzled and disoriented by 
The spear of sun on the thin, burnt-biscuit skin of New Jersey,
She is humming a melody she only ever
Hears in dream -
And forgets she is supposed to feel
With you. Oh well...

Tin whistles fill up the ineffable places
Between what we say and what we mean:
Valhalla: blue.
Valhalla: unredeemed from plunder.

The treeless hills echo back our failures;
Hearts keep calling out...

Slipping under what seems to be,
He is swimming in a light-refracting sea:

His hips ring like bells.

You wake in a room with
Romanesque statues in a circle which are
Draped with watercoloured fabrics
To hide their nakedness. Left behind, you are

To recapture that light.

It's all about shattering mirrors
To let in yellow daylight.

It's all about learning who you are.
Do you know me?

Your watercoloured smiles and gypsy-clad
Habits are a worn out delight.

Still, I'll keep coming back. Always,
I'll come back.

-Sabne Raznik


Today, long-lingering snow surrenders
a white mist that hangs above
the broken stalks of corn,
as gold as the fading strands of dawn;

Blurring the bare trees
Too wise to bud in this mid-winter reprieve;
Drifting among last year’s milk pods,
Now open and blown,
Where the drab sparrow flits
In hopes of a silky seed.

Is surrender a weakness,
or a metamorphosis—
a change of the form or nature of a thing
into a completely different one—
When I surrender, am I snow,
Or mist?

-Patricia Thrushart

Right Turns

It is almost overwhelming, especially at the end of winter, the beginning of the mud season when endings and beginnings are not far apart an...